Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Speed, Acceleration, and Why Math Education Fails in the U.S.

I decided to start this blog to provide a modicum of online tutoring, and maybe make a few cents on the side with a little help from Google. In the time it took me to set up the Facebook page, all the "Like", "Subscribe", and "Share" widgets, settle on a background and layout that didn't look too goofy, I wound up speaking to several relatively intelligent friends about math-related topics.

I now have a headache.

So, in an effort to alleviate that headache, I'm starting a bi-weekly series of mixed-media episodes to illustrate how obscenely simple Mathematics can be.

Please subscribe and look for my next post, "From Counting to Calculus in Five Minutes", where I cover about 60,000 years of Mathematics advances in roughly 600 seconds. Bonus: You'll actually understand it!

We're still putting things together, so if there's a specific topic you want us to cover, feel free to post a suggestion in the comment section!

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